Why do Resolutions Fail?

Suraj Negi
2 min readJan 1, 2020


resolution 2020

A large number of individuals on the planet make New Year’s goals each year, but just a little part figure out how to keep them.

Perhaps the most compelling motivation individuals neglect to keep their New Year’s goals is on the grounds that they’re not explicit enough. For instance, making plans to “practice more” or “get more fit” are simple approaches to set up yourself for disappointment, as they need approaches to stamp progress and are probably not going to keep you propelled consistently.

Instead, try making your goals specific, like running 3KMs a day or losing 10 pounds by a certain date.

“It’s easier to drop out or walk away when you set goals or resolutions that are vague. Having a timeline on a resolution is much helpful”.

A failure to act can cripple you before you leave the starting line. If you’ve tried (and failed) to set a New Year’s resolution (or several) in the past, I know it might be hard to believe in yourself. Just Believe in yourself because I know You have the potential to do it.

The best self-help book in the world can’t save you if you fail to take action. Yes, seek inspiration and knowledge, but only as much as you can realistically apply to your life.

The best wellness plan is one that makes the least interference in your everyday life. The objective isn’t to add worry to your life, yet rather to evacuate it. Attempt to appreciate the procedure, appreciate doing anything that you are doing. Leave it alone cycling, working out, playing sports, perusing, eating and working. Until and except if you appreciate it, you won’t go any further.

Try Questioning yourself: What do you want? Why do you want it?

Trust me “You got this”. I can do this, so can you.

  • The more specific you can make your goal,
  • The more vivid it will be in your imagination,
  • The more encouraged you’ll be. :-)

